Supervisory Board



Mehmet Gülesci

Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Born in 1962. Following his graduation from the Business Administration department of Boğaziçi University, he completed his master degree in the same department. He worked in Istanbul and Boston offices of Ernst&Young between 1984-1996 and got CPA licence from Turkey and Massachusetts, USA. While serving as a partner, he joined Finansbank as Assistant General Manager in 1997 and he was Managing Director in the Board of Directors of Finansbank until the end of 2009. Mr. Güleşci furthermore assumes various responsibilities in the Board of Directors of Fiba Group’s financial and non financial, domestic and international investments. Now he is Member of the Board and the Executive Committee of Fiba Holding A.S. and Fina Holding A.S. Initially appointed to Supervisory Board of JSC “CREDIT EUROPE BANK” in 2007.

Mehmet Gulesci

Umut Bayoglu

Member of the Supervisory Board

Mr.Umut Bayoglu holds a BSc in eco¬nom¬ics from METU in Ankara, Turkey.

He be¬gan his ca¬reer in 1996 as a man¬age¬ment trainee with Fi¬nans¬bank AS. He moved to Credit Europe Bank.N.V. in Amsterdam in 2001.

Ap¬pointed CFO in Credit Europe Bank N.V. in 2006. Since Jan¬u¬ary 1, 2008 he is a Mem¬ber of the Man¬ag¬ing Board of the Credit Europe Bank N.V.

Since July 22, 2021 he is appointed as Supervisory Board member in JSC “CREDIT EUROPE BANK”.

Umut Bayoglu

Korkmaz Ilkorur

Member of the Supervisory Board

Mr. Ilkorur has worked for various banks and insurance companies in Turkey. Additionally, from 2002 till 2010 Korkmaz Ilkorur has been with the Business and Industrial Advisory Committee (BIAC) of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) acting as the Chairman of the Regulatory Governance Working Group. Moreover, he has been in the board of directors of the Turkish Industrialists and Businessmen Association (“TUSIAD”) and chairman of its corporate governance working group (2002-2009.

At present Mr. Ilkorur is member of the Senior Advisory Board of Oliver Wyman and member of the Board of Directors of Soktas Textile Company (Turkey).

Mr. Ilkorur has a master degree of Economics from the University of Pittsburgh, USA.

Mr. Ilkorur is an independent member of the Supervisory Board of JSC "CREDIT EUROPE BANK".

Korkmaz Ilkorur

Legosteva Elena Vasilievna

Member of the Supervisory Board

Mrs. Legosteva is an independent member of the Supervisory Board of JSC “CREDIT EUROPE BANK”. During her professional career, Mrs. Legosteva worked in the banking institutions of Ukraine.

Ms. Legosteva held the positions of head of the internal audit service in many banking institutions in Ukraine.

Ms. Legosteva has a degree in Economics from Chernihiv State Technological University.

Legosteva Elena Vasilievna

Ali Fuat Erbil

Член Наглядової Ради

Be¬tween 1997 – 2019, Mr. Er¬bil was work¬ing for Garanti Bank in dif¬fer¬ent roles. Dur¬ing his ca¬reer at Garanti Bank, Mr. Er¬bil was in¬ter alia re¬spon¬si¬ble for re¬tail and dig¬i¬tal bank¬ing, hu¬man re¬sources, fi¬nan¬cial in¬sti¬tu¬tions and cor¬po¬rate bank¬ing and in¬vest¬ment bank¬ing. In his last role within Garanti Bank, Mr. Er-bil acted as CEO of Garanti Bank Turkey and he was chair of the su¬per¬vi¬sory boards of Garanti Bank’s sub¬sidiaries (in¬clud¬ing Garanti Bank In¬ter¬na¬tional N.V.). Cur¬rently, Mr. Er¬bil is a non-ex¬ec¬u¬tive mem-ber of the global ad¬vi¬sory board of C2FO (a US based fin¬tech), an ad¬vi¬sor to McK¬in¬sey’s Is¬tan¬bul of-fice, a su¬per¬vi¬sory board mem¬ber of Do¬gan Hold¬ing AS, a supervisory board member of Credit Europe Bank N.V. and Credit Europe Group N.V. He holds an MBA de¬gree from the Bilkent Uni¬ver¬sity (Ankara, Turkey) in busi¬ness ad¬min¬is¬tra¬tion and a PhD from the Is¬tan¬bul Tech¬ni¬cal Uni¬ver¬sity, fac¬ulty of busi¬ness ad¬min¬is¬tra¬tion. Mr. Er¬bil was ap¬pointed as an in¬de-pen¬dent mem¬ber to the Su¬per¬vi¬sory Board in April 2023.

Ali Fuat Erbil